The terrible twos.
This weekend was Halloween. I do love dressing up. I find that people always seem to enjoy themselves more when they are disguised with a ludicrous mow or a fuzzy afro wig...p'raps it's the over use of hair spray or the chemicals they put in the face paint but a Halloween party always seems to be a tad more reckless then the average weekend night out. This year I decided to venture away from my locale and travel into deeper darkest Hackney for a party at a fellow Central Saint Martin's grads lovely home. I went with my friend Lauren, also an ex MA graduate and a rather talented designer (You can see some of her luscious work here). Lauren and I met on our 1st year at CSM and bonded over a love of silly wigs and an in-depth knowledge of the Coppola Dynasty. More about this later...
As usual we left purchasing our chosen costumes until the last minute, but I often find that the most creative costumes emerge from the panic that ensues at 7, the evening of a costume party. We had opted for a twins costume and eventually settled on going down the rather un pc siamese route. I had envisioned a gothic fantasy akin to the siamese twins that were in the second installment of the Addams Family. Lauren wasn't convinced, especially when I produced 2 rather pathetic looking afro like purble wigs from a Sainbos bag...think more Ronald MacDonald then romantic gothic freaks. This was going to take a lot of accesorization.
Finding a dress that would comfortatably fit 2 rather small people was more difficult then we first thought. After hunting in BHS (surely the British Home Stores would cater for the larger lady/adult Siamese twins) we found a triple xxl dark grey t-shirt dress in H+M which we could just about squeeze into. With some coordination and a hefty amount of vino we some how managed to pull it off without killing each other. Among the highlights of the party was a female version of KISS, a rather non threatening furry dragon and ahum...Jewperman.